Meldonium MILDRONATE® 500mg 60 capsules

Meldonium  MILDRONATE® 500mg 60 capsules
  • Product Code: Meldonium500mg
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €56.00
  • Ex Tax: €56.00

Mildronate is the most popular brand name of active substance Meldonium.Mildronate is manufactured by company ‘’Grindeks’’ and is considered a high quality medicine manufacturer in Latvia. It produces everything from supplements, over the counter pain meds to antidepressants. People buy Mildronate for wide variety of conditions. From being a little too tired to helping manage serious conditions like heart illness.


Where can I buy Mildronate Meldonium?

Most widely spread misconception of Meldonium Mildronate is its origin. Most think taht Meldonium is manufactured in Russia, but this is not true at all. But noone can blame you because 2 most popular athletes now which have been caught using it, are Sharapova and Aleksandr who both have Russian nationalities. This is why Meldonium is often called Sharapova drug. Mildronate is manufactured almost exclusively in Latvia ( in some languages referred as Lettland) . Latvia is small country which is part of EU and was under occupation of Soviet Russia till 1991. This explains why it is popular also in Russia. Meldonium under brand name Mildronate ( Mildornats) is made by relatively big pharmacy company Grindeks ( Grindex) which makes the medicine in Riga, Latvia and then distributes it in the region. It is sold in Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia . There is more than one Meldonium manufacturer but there is only one other which is notable because of its Meldonium manufacturing amounts and it is Olainfarm ( Olainpharm) which also is located in Latvia. But for those who dont live in these countries, Mildronate can be bought online. Depending on your country it is advisable to buy Mildronate Meldonium from vendor who ships from Latvia or Lithuania. This ensures that you will recive product with highest EU standards


What types of Mildronate Meldonium there are?

There are several types of Meldonium.

In case of brand name Mildronate 250mg 20 capsules package is in pink color but if you want to buy Mildronate made by Olainfarm, you should know that the package is in white and red/brown color. Mildronate 250mg 60cps/500mg 60cps and ampules package is in white color with red lettering. Olainfarm products all are the same with white+red/brown colors.

Is there fake Meldonium?

It is highly unlikely that someone would attempt to fake Meldonium because of the price and availability in country of origin and region. However it is advisable to buy from Latvian vendor or Lithuanian at least because it will guarantee, that product is pure and without any unnecessarily additives which could occur in rare cases of knock offs in other countries like Russia.

How to dose Mildronate ?

Mildronate historically is made in 2 forms 250mg 20 or 40 capsules and 500 mg 60 capsules.
The dosage is pretty straight forward. People often buy Mildronate without prescription , especially 250mg because in most countries this version is over the counter. General rule is to start small and increase slowly your dosage. 250 mg of Meldonium per day in the mornings for few days to weeks, if this does not work, increase it to 500mg and so on. Usually it is taken in morrnings because it can give you extra energy and you don’t want that in night. For medical conditions doctors tend to dosage of 2x 500mg a day. This is also why the 500mg package contains 60 caps, it gives you exactly one month supply. Also they prescribe it for few months and then advice to stop for month or two to assess the impact. There has been reports of athletes taking as high as 2000mg per day. In any case it is better to consult a doctor before any supplements or medication use.

They also manufacture Meldoniumin injections and you can buy Meldonium in this form as 10% 5ML 10 injection and 20 injections in one package, those who prefer injections can use it in this form. This could be trickier to get hold of and transport because of glass ampoules inside the packages.

What are the uses of Mildronate?

·       Combat fatigue, including chronic fatigue syndrome and post viral syndrome.

·       To increase brain function.

·       To improve work ability.

·       Recover from stressful life events.

·       In some cases before and after surgery.

·       Treatment of heart ischemia and its consequences

·       Increase stamina and strength.

·       Recovery after infectious diseases like flu.

·       Treatment of diabetes.

·       Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

·       Meldonium given in acutedoses could be beneficial for the treatment of seizures and alcohol intoxication.

·       Recovery from long covid

In short Mildronate are used for many different conditions and life situations. From students trying to get thru their stressful study semester to people with serious heart conditions. It even has been suggested as treatment for infertility in men , because of research showing improved sperm activity in boars. The Sharapova scandal which shined light to this substance around the globe, had a positive and negative impact on the Meldonium. Negative that it was named a doping and therefore some think that it is something harmful like other hard doping substances , which is not the case. The positive impact was that it had huge coverage around the globe and many found out about this potentially great OTC medication. After this scandal people started to buy mildronate much more often. The Grindex company saw significant increase in sale sin this period.

Recently there is another significant reason why one would like and need to buy Mildronate, In light of pandemic we have seen huge uptick in people who suffer from post viral syndrome, one of the symptom of this syndrome is fatigue. Mildronate has been known to help with daily energy levels and concentration problems. This means that Mildronate is a quite logical choice when it comes to treating post viral fatigue, there is a lot of positive anecdotal reports from people who use Mildronate for fatigue and long track record of doctors who use it.

What is the mechanism of action of Meldonium?

Meldonium inhibits the production of carnitine by reversibly inhibiting gamma butyrobetaine hydroxylase. This inhibition reduces the transport of long-chain fatty acids across cell membranes, preventing the accumulation of activated forms of non-oxidised fatty acids in cells and subsequently preventing cell membrane damage. In addition, decreased carnitine concentration under ischaemic conditions inhibits the beta-oxidation of fatty acids, optimises oxygen consumption in cells, stimulates glucose oxidation, and restores ATP transport from its biosynthesis sites (mitochondria) to the consumption sites (cytosol). The result is that the cells are supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and the use of these nutrients is optimised. When the concentration of meldonium decreases, carnitine biosynthesis is enhanced, and the cells gradually restore the transport of fatty acids.

Meldonium is thought to be effective based on its ability to increase cellular tolerance to stress, particularly changes in fatty acid concentration. The GBB-ergic system is a hypothetical neural signal transduction system in the body that allows nerve impulses to be transmitted between somatic cells. The mediator of this system is the last carnitine ester of GBB, the last precursor of carnitine. GBB-esterase action results in the mediator returning an electron to the cell, thus transferring the electrical impulse, but itself converts to GBB. The hydrolysed form of GBB is then actively transported to the liver, kidneys, and testes, where it is transformed into carnitine. Somatic cells synthesise new GBB molecules in response to irritation, allowing the signal to propagate. As carnitine concentrations decrease, GBB synthesis is stimulated, resulting in an increase in GBB ester concentration.

Meldonium, as a structural analogue of GBB, can act as a mediator in the GBB-ergic system. However, GBB-hydroxylase does not recognise meldonium, so the concentration of carnitine does not increase but decreases. Thus, meldonium, both by replacing the mediator itself and by contributing to the GBB, contributes to the development of the body's response. The result is an overall increase in metabolic activity in other systems such as the central nervous system (CNS). The impact on the cardiovascular system


What are the possible side effects of Mildronate?

Some of the controversy surrounding meldonium is due to lack of knowledge about the drug. Many countries are still uncertain of its effects. This mainly is beacause the research and approvement of such medicines in new countries takes a lot of time and resources. The company behind Mildronate is pushing for these licenses in several regions where they feel that it will be woth while.

Although people who buy Mlildronate know that meldonium is known to be a substance with few side effects, there are side effects which are seen in some users. According to official leaf let of Mildronate these are some of the common side effects:

Common (may affect more than 1 in 10 patients):

·       allergic reactions;

·       headache;

·       indigestion.

Rare (may affect less than 1 in 1 000 patients):

·       increased heartbeat

·       nausea

·       headaches

·       shakiness

·       anxiety

·       dizziness

·       muscle spasms

·       metallic taste

Studies are yet to report any serious side effects, the long term effects are a different question. Mildronate is not meant to be used for years in a row, the usual course of usage is 1-2 months and then it is recommended to stop. On other hand in countries where it is sold, it has been around for almost 50 years now.

Special warnings and precautions for use of Mildronate


Patients with a history of hepatic and/or renal impairment should observe the following when taking this medicinal product caution (monitoring of liver and/or renal function). It is not recommended to be used in combination with other meldonium-containing medicinal products as side effects may be increased risk of adverse reactions.

Interactions with other medicinal products and other interactions

Meldonium may be used in combination with long-acting nitrates and other antianginal agents for the treatment of stable angina pectoris, cardiac glycosides and diuretics for the treatment of heart failure. In addition, it can also be combined with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, antiarrhythmic agents and drugs that improve microcirculation. Meldonium may potentiate the effects of glyceryl trinitrate-containing drugs, nifedipine, beta-blockers, other hypotensive agents and peripheral vasodilators. In patients with chronic heart failure, concomitant use of meldonium for symptom relief with lisinopril, additional pharmacological effects have been observed. Meldonium in combination with orotic acid to prevent ischaemia/reperfusion injury, additional pharmacological effects have been observed. Concomitant use of ferrous sulphate and meldonium in patients with iron deficiency anaemia improve the fatty acid composition of red blood cells. Meldonium overdose may potentiate cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity. Carnitine deficiency resulting from D-carnitine (pharmacologically inactive isomer)-meldonium may potentiate ifosfamide-induced cardiotoxicity. Meldonium shows protective effects against indinavir-induced cardiotoxicity and efavirenz-induced neurotoxicity.

Fertility, pregnancy and lactation


Clinical data on the use of meldonium during pregnancy are not available. Animal studies No direct or indirect teratogenic and embryotoxic effects have been observed. In order to avoid possible adverse effects on the maternal organism and the foetus, this medicinal product should not be used during pregnancy.


Available animal data suggest excretion of meldonium in breast milk. It is not known whether the medicinal product is excreted in human breast milk. A risk to neonates/infants cannot be excluded, therefore the risk of should not be used during the breastfeeding peri